In April 2022, Andrew Larson (CEO of the Larson Company) toured the Larson HVACR Building Systems Lab at the University of Colorado - Boulder. With him were several Mitsubishi representatives, including Curt Spresser, Jeff Armstrong, and Shawn LeMons.
Andrew was also able to deliver a $60k donation to the College of Engineering, which goes to support the Larson HVAC Building Systems Lab at the college. About the donation, Andrew said, "This has been accomplished with the help of our customers and supplier partners, and matched by the Gustave A. Larson Company during our Karl G. Larson Charity Golf Outings. Thank you for your support!"
The Larson Building Systems Laboratory is a unique facility in the HVAC industry in that it permits the study of entire HVAC systems in a controlled dynamic environment, providing repeatable test conditions that have been previously unavailable.
It is used for education and research and is designed for dynamic testing of complete and full-scale commercial HVAC and building systems. The facility consists of a full-size commercial HVAC system, four representative commercial building zones, a system for producing repeatable and controllable loads, and sophisticated data acquisition and control systems.