Gustave A. Larson is very proud to donate over $60,000 to the Larson HVAC Building Systems Lab at the University of Colorado, College of Engineering. This donation would not be possible without the help of our customers and supplier partners, and a company match during the Karl G. Larson Charity Golf Outings held each year.
The Larson Building Systems Laboratory is a unique facility in the HVAC industry in that it permits the study of entire HVAC systems in a controlled dynamic environment, providing repeatable test conditions that have been previously unavailable.
It is used for education and research and is designed for dynamic testing of complete and full-scale commercial HVAC and building systems. The facility consists of a full-size commercial HVAC system, four representative commercial building zones, a system for producing repeatable and controllable loads, and sophisticated data acquisition and control systems.
To learn more about the Larson Lab and what these donations go to fund,
click here!