How to Maximize a Limited Labor Force and Focus on Ductless Products
It’s important to maximize the limited labor force in this day and age. One of those ways is to offer ductless to your customers. There are many reasons to focus on ductless for increased customer satisfaction while maximizing profitability for your company.
- Today’s labor market is tight with a shrinking pool of labor.
- Becoming a ductless expert gives you a differentiation from your competitors.
- All contractors are in search of installers/service techs
- With a two-day training class and apprenticeship in the field you have a labor force built up from scratch.
- By placing a greater focus on ductless you also lessen your liability in your customer’s homes as most of the work is completed outside of the home.
- Employee Morale: A ductless install tends to be cleaner, with less risk of problems arising, less heavy lifting, and generally getting finished on time.
- Greater Versatility: The largest selection of products in the industry to fit almost every application.
- Greater Energy Efficiency: Advanced compressor and refrigerant flow technology provides one of the industry’s biggest lineups of Energy Star-rated equipment.
- Greater Comfort: With the digital-inverter compressor along with the i-See sensor, Mitsubishi can provide superior comfort to its competitors.
- Greater Heating Capacity: With its H2i Hyper heat technology, Mitsubishi provides full heating capacity well below zero.
- Quieter Operation: With its Digital-inverter compressor technology and engineered fans, ductless provides comfort at human-whisper decibels.
- Keeping Up with Industry Trends: You never want to seem like your company is behind the times when it comes to offering the latest in technology.
- Opportunity: There is a place in every home for ductless. If your company is not offering it, you are walking right past highly profitable business.
- Raising Efficiency Standards: With ever-raising mandates, unitary manufacturers compete with each other to keep with new standards that are being set each year.
- Rebates: Utilities are offering higher and higher rebates as they recognize the efficiency of ductless products helping to close more sales.
- Higher Profitability: Higher gross profit per man hour; ductless systems are, on average, an easier install, which helps to eliminate some of the issues that can go wrong (such as not finishing jobs on time, not having the right materials or needing custom fabrication, damaging the home, or callbacks).
- Fastest Growing Segment in the Industry: While ducted business grows at a snail’s pace, the ductless segment of the industry is growing at a pace of 20-30% per year.
We would love to talk to you about what ductless options we offer at Gustave A. Larson. Simply
contact our industry experts for more information.
Published on Apr 02, 2021 by Lisa Rick