Residential IAQ - Humidification
When properly controlled, humidity offers many proven benefits. Humidification during the heating season not only provides comfort by helping homes feel warmer at a lower temperature, it can save money on heating expenses and helps protect the home and its furnishings from the harmful effects of air that’s too dry, like cracked floors. In addition, physicians often recommend controlling humidity to guard against dry, itchy skin, dry hair, dry eyes, scratchy throats, and even virus transmission.
Featured Products:
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Evaporative Bypass Humidifiers
Model 600/500 series
Bypass humidifiers offer high efficiency, simple design and minimal maintenance. Bypass humidifiers are available in multiple sizes depending on need and HVAC system. Bypass humidifiers can be installed with an automatic or manual control and require maintenance just once a year.
Model 400 series
Model 400 bypass humidifier uses 100 percent of the water fed to the water panel – eliminating the need for access to a drain.
Evaporative Power Humidifiers
Model 700 Series
Model 700 humidifiers are attached to the warm air up-flow supply plenum on forced air furnaces and heat pumps. The Model 700 is our most efficient evaporative humidifier. It’s easy to install and a great choice for systems with low or variable speed furnaces or air handlers.
Steam Humidifiers
Model 800 Series
Model 800 steam humidifiers provide the highest capacity of all Aprilaire Humidifiers. Our steam humidifiers are capable of delivering up to 34.6 gallons of water to the air per day, even in arid climates. An available fan pack allows steam humidifiers to be used in homes where duct work is not accessible or available.
Featured Product:
![R_Max_Main-Screen_on-Nov2019-660x660px-(1).jpg R_Max_Main-Screen_on-Nov2019-660x660px-(1).jpg](/getattachment/Special-Pages/Residential-Indoor-Air-Quality/Residential-IAQ-Humidification/HE240A2001-c1-6.jpg.aspx?lang=en-US&width=200&height=200) ![HM750-c13-6.jpg HM750-c13-6.jpg](/getattachment/Special-Pages/Residential-Indoor-Air-Quality/Residential-IAQ-Humidification/HM750-c13-6.jpg.aspx?width=200&height=193) ![HE360A1068-c11-6.jpg HE360A1068-c11-6.jpg](/getattachment/Special-Pages/Residential-Indoor-Air-Quality/Residential-IAQ-Humidification/HE360A1068-c11-6.jpg.aspx?width=200&height=200) |
When it comes to offering your customers custom whole-home humidification solutions, we offer a variety of Honeywell Home products from Resideo. From steam, fan-powered and bypass humidifiers to quality service replacement parts like water panels, solenoids, humidity controls, filters and pads, we have everything you need to keep home humidity levels in the comfort zone.
Want to learn more about Humidification products from Aprilaire or Honeywell Home in residential homes? We'd love to talk!