When it comes to service trades, such as a wide range of heating and air conditioning services, providing high-quality service is essential for client satisfaction. However, there’s another aspect that’s equally important – customer service. This is the initial contact most clients will have with your company, and one that allows you to actually come to a position to do what you do best. That’s why you have to keep improving your customer support.
How can I improve my customer service efforts?
Repeat clients are the heart of your HVAC business, and your customer service is what will get your clients to come back and work with you again, together with your field staff. Here’s what you can do to bring your customer support to the next level.
You should always make your customers feel unique and valued. A big part of that is personalizing your customer support and treating your customers like individuals, not like just another source of revenue for your company. This way, you’ll create longer-lasting professional relationships and place the first brick in your road to repeat business.
Another integral part of great customer experience is closely tied to the promptness and timeliness of your response. When a client contacts your support team and inquires about a repair or maintenance, they don’t want to wait one or two weeks for your on-site team to arrive. They want their problems resolved quickly and efficiently, which is why your customer service staff has to find a close appointment time that works for both of you and ensures timely technician dispatching.
As you already know, this is also something clients require. Providing quotes and estimates for the job means a lot to your customers, as it allows them to understand how much your service will cost, whether they can afford it, and if they’re willing to pay the price you’re asking. This can also help determine the path forward, if there are any options such as repairing vs. replacing equipment.
The best ways to provide quotes are either on-site, via an online form on your website, or over the phone. Either way, try to make your estimates as accurate as possible based on the information the client provides.
Your clients are sure to have questions, and it’s up to your client support team to provide clear and informative answers to their inquiries. This is one of the most important aspects of good customer service, as it shows your clients just how prepared your company is and that you’re able to rise to the challenge they’re presenting.
Also, don’t forget to explain the work your technicians are going to perform to the customer, as this is probably their biggest point of interest. Giving them insight into your operations means they’ll know what to expect when the technicians arrive and better prepare them for the work they’re going to do. It also serves to establish a more honest initial relationship.
Speaking of relationships – you have to build them with your clients. One of the best ways to do this,is to remember them. Send emails containing seasonal incentives and tips for better operations of their HVAC systems. Contact them via phone to notify them it’s time to replace their filter or perform a comprehensive maintenance of their system. This way, you show you care about more than just doing business with them.
Finally, always remember to follow up with your clients after rendering your service. Reach out to them, ask them if they’re satisfied with their service and if there’s anything more you can do for them. If there are any complaints, react quickly and resolve them. Ask them for their feedback and incorporate both positive and negative aspects in an effort to further improve your operations. 
Gustave A. Larson is here to provide advice on enhancing your customer service experience
There’s little that speaks to the professionalism of your company more than customer service. Providing helpful, informative, and courteous assistance to your customers is vital for projecting a good company image to your potential customers. It’s what makes or breaks your heating and air conditioning business, and why you should not only focus on hiring the best possible HVAC technicians for your company, but also training them to perform at an exceptional level. Expertise is great, but only if you present it well.
If you have experienced technicians, but you’re still finding it hard to find and retain customers, it’s time to work on your customer service. At Gustave A. Larson, we’ll help you boost your customer service experience and provide helpful training to your employees. From there, we’re here to provide any additional advice and assistance you might need. Give us a call today!